Thanks to God that we have been able to start our new courses online for our soul sisters who can register and participate in the 4-part series on Qur’anic Reflections and Decoding Surah Al Fatiha with Alimah Raziya Batul Najafi.
We also have a 4-part series tapping into the soul of Ameerul Mu’mineen a.s in Nahjul Balagha and unlocking our own journeys journey of self-reflection and self-discovery through Khutbatul Hammam, Sermon 193 from Nahjul Balagha with esteemed sisters Alimah Raziya Batul Najafi and Sis Nasim Walji Pirmohamed.
Alhamdulilah we have had great feedback so far from our 1st session of Nahjul Balagha and we look forward to the Qur’anic Reflections starting Saturday 4th November 2023.