As stewards of God, we are created with an intention to live to the fullness of our potential. Living in this post-modern world, world of multiplicity and living a life filled with so many distractions, it is important that we give ourselves some time out to reflect upon our fleeting lives and recognise ourselves in order to understand our Creator Allah swt.
Shaykh Javad Shomali’s concise book is packed with thought provoking spiritual tool box in finding our purpose in life and deciphering the true meaning of Tawheed and unpacking the Husayni dimension through his intimate relationship with His Merciful Rabb.
In Chapter Ten of the book, the author writes..
“ We are often told that God’s love is only for those who do good and that as soon as we make a mistake, we will find ourselves outside the circle of His love. In this chapter, we will see how Imam Husayn (a) shows through his beautiful words that this could not be farther from the truth.
One of the mistakes we make is believing that we should have hope in God’s mercy when we are good, and that we should fear Him when we make mistakes. Imam Husayn corrects this misconception:
“ O my God, verily my hope in You does not cease even if I may disobey You. Similarly, my fear does not leave me even if I obey YOU.” Du’a ‘Arafah
Imam says that our hope in God’s mercy is irrespective of our actions. We should have hope in God’s Mercy because He is Merciful. He will remain Merciful even when we make mistakes”.
Let us unlock the beautiful gems reserved in this timeless du’a and transform our souls. I hope you have a beautiful reading and may you fill your spiritual cups with His love and grace. Once you allow our inner portals to open up, you will be able to cloak your spiritual heart with God’s Light and Guidance.
I will leave you all beautiful readers to purchase this book and start reading/ journaling and making some notes that will help you to grow within and create this love relationship with Allah swt.
You can buy your copy from
With love and prayers
Sis Nasim Walji Pirmohamed