بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Let us keep working on our spiritual muscles

According to the well known mystic Shaykh Rajab Ali Khayyat:

“If the eye works for God, it becomes Eye of Allah, if the ear works for God it becomes Ear of Allah, if the hand works for God, it becomes Hand of Allah, and so forth to the heart of man, which is God’s place; as narrated:

“The heart of a believer is the Throne of Allah, the compassionate.”
(Bihar al-Anwar, LVIII, 39)

And as Imam Husayn (as) says:

“O Lord! You made Your lover’s hearts the station of Your Will and Providence.” (Muhaj al-Da’wat, 68; Bihar al- Anwar, LXXXV, 214)

The inspirations and assistance granted to him from the Unseen, he achieved such high levels of spiritual virtues. Perhaps, this was the secret of his great interest in the following poems which he frequently whispered:

“In the school of Eternity, it was Your Beauty that guided me; Your Grace aided me to be trapped in your (Divine) Snare.”
“My vile carnal soul yearned for any falsehood; Your Gracious Emanation liberated me from its grips.”

Source: The Elixir of Love by Mohammadi Reyshahri

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