Bismillah ✨
Salamun Alaykum, beautiful souls,
Let me tell you a story,
There was once a young soul in our community whose light captivated us all. She was successful, brilliant, respected, and had an inspirational life story.
Yet when she was alone, anxiety suffocated her. Self-doubts plagued her mind, and self-hate sabotaged her life. A lack of self-worth led to many sleepless nights. If you looked at her, you would never know. Sometimes, people who give the world their best selves find it impossible to extend this kindness to themselves.
With her destroyed sense of self, she had no peace in her relationship with her family or Allah.
An imposter syndrome, drenched in perpetual feelings of inadequacy, drained her energies and ate away at her health and spiritual well-being. Every day, she thinks of giving up but only stops knowing that Islam forbids taking a life.
Yet she has nobody to turn to!
“People will judge me”, she thinks.
She hears of a place called Lantern of Light and contacts a volunteer. On the other end of the line, she hears a comforting voice and is confident to speak.
It starts slowly, but as she finds a safe, nonjudgmental space, she begins to pour her heart out. For the first time, she’s not scared of being judged for being human. By the time the call ends, she feels the world’s weight has been lifted from her shoulders!
After taking a deep breath without a heavy heart, she smiles and decides to give life another chance.
An Alhamdulilah moment!
This isn’t the story of just one woman. This is the reality of thousands of Muslims struggling with their faith, identity and mental health. Just like physical pain, suffering from mental health can’t be seen, only felt.
But there is always light. God created us as the lanterns of the light, which we bask in and share with our brothers and sisters in faith.
Lantern of Light is a gentle approach to providing a safe space filled with deep empathy. That is the reason why LOL is here for you.
Today’s Action of the Day:
- Be an empath, and do not judge! Each of us has a story to tell.
- Be grateful that you have someone to talk to.
- Signpost those who are struggling to the Lantern of Light
Your donations can resuscitate a scarred life and give a new hope!
On this eve of the 23rd night of Laylatul Qadr, as we remember Ameerul Mu’mineen (A.S), please offer a silent prayer for all those battling the invisible fight within. They are beautiful souls and need to be cared for.
Your donations help us provide services as first responders to those searching for spiritual well-being.
We help countless people who have no one else.
So donate your sadaqah generously to help run the professional mental health and well-being services our licensed therapists provide.

Please donate generously!
Ref: Healing Minds & Hearts
Lantern of Light
Unity Trust Bank Sort code – 60-83-01
Account number – 20484923
*If you are a UK taxpayer, please tick the gift aid box.
May ALLAH SWT bless you abundantly for your donation! You are always in our prayers!