This young, radiant and charming Muhammed began!

‘There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent example for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and who remembers Allah often’ (33:21).

The man who was a role model to the young and old, an inspiration to society & who was sent to us as Rahmatul lil Alameen – a blessing to the whole world, how do you even try to analyse this most Awesome Man to have walked the Earth? Where do you even start?

First of all, with his nameMuhammed meaning ‘worthy of praises’, and his name Ahmed meaning ‘the most praising and grateful to Allah’, it becomes apparent that his name alone is enough of an inspiration for us all, as through him we learn how to be a true Habeeb as he makes Allah his Mahboob. This becomes evident when narrations mention how he would split his Salaatul Layl into different segments of the night, so as to obtain more frequent visits on the Musallah throughout that night to become engrossed in conversation with Allah (swt). This makes me question myself of my love that I proclaim for Rasulallah (saww) when I struggle to pray even 1 unit of that Salaatul Layl which he loved so much.

This Messenger of God, even though he became an orphan at such a young age & went through so many trials in his own life, he still showed the best example as the most powerful, successful and influential individual till the end of time and left a legacy till today.As a Prophet, head of affairs, father and husband, or even as an individual person, Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) exemplified the best manners and characters as stated by the Holy Qur’an: Uswatun Hasanah – The Best of Examples, to the extent that even his enemies like Abu Jahl had to admit his beautiful titles of As-Sadiq & Al-Amin, of his truthful and trustworthiness. Even his enemies could not deny his worth! 2

When I think deeply of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) and all his amazing attributes, 1 particular quality is always hi-lighted for me. This is, the way he showed kindness even to those who were unkind to him; and hence attracted people to Islam through his Akhlaq. It’s easy to be kind to someone who is kind to you, but when someone gives you grief & is unkind to you, then showing kindness back to them is a difficult task; yet nothing was too big a task for Rasulallah (saww). As we all know the famous story of the old woman who used to throw rubbish on him every time he walked the street, but the day she was not there to do this, Rasulallah (saww) enquires of her whereabouts and goes to see if she is okay. It is this kindness of character even though she was being unkind that draws the lady to Islam. As the Holy Prophet (pbuh) says: ‘The most complete in faith among the believers is he who has the best manners’- showing us how much importance Rasulallah (saww) paid to good Akhlaq & mannerisms.

He was a light that drew people to him and the smile on his face was always there. We are fortunate, that like the Holy Prophet (pbuh), we are all given a light within our hearts and souls, and it is up to us not just to illuminate our own hearts with the love of Allah (swt), but to also light the way for others – to be a flash light shining on their path in their darkness and in their time of need. We see this through the soothing and gentle character of Rasulallah (saww) and how everyone who met him came away feeling happier, lighter and relieved of their problems.

His character was so beautiful, that he would comfort the hearts of others even when his own heart was torn. What a generous quality this is to possess, as it makes us realise that whatever may be going on outside of us, that should not govern how we treat others and it should not disturb the equilibrium of peace and love within us. He reached the highest place through his perfection; he drove out the darkness through his own beauty and all his characteristics were beautified in the best of ways.

Through all this greatness, his quality of Humility shines out when even in Salaah he proclaims ‘Ash hadu anna Muhammedan Abdu hu wa Rasuluh’ – that he is first an Abd (servant) of Allah and then a Messenger of Allah. This shows me my true title and purpose in this world; to be the best Abd that I can be to my Creator.

He also honoured his role as a Husband to Lady Khadijah (ra) with love and respect and carried this on as he then played his role as a Father to his beloved Daughter Sayyeda Fatima (as); to whom he showed the utmost respect too. 3

What Ibrah do we take from this? I feel, he was showing us that even if you are a Messenger, a Prophet & a Wali of God, honour and respect your relationships with kindness and love first. Especially for men, remember to respect your women, as it is through the lap of a woman that you are the man you are today.

How can I therefore not have Rasulallah (pbuh) as my most beloved role model & inspiration, and from then on every Imam that followed? As “Awwaluna Muhammed, Aakhiruna Muhammed, Awsatuna Muhammed wa kulluna Muhammed” – The first of us is Muhammed; The last of us is Muhammed; In between us are Muhammed; And all of us are Muhammed. In the Shia School of thought, the Ahlulbayt (as) are a reflection of his shining light! They are all rays and manifestations of his Muhammadean light. It was he Rasulullah (saww) who commanded us to love his family, the Ahlulbayt (as). Hence, then love of his family can never be separated from love towards himself.

I can only end by saying: O Prophet of Allah, you are indeed my role model & my inspiration as you taught me to find meaning and purpose in my life. I pray that we are all able to visit the Holy Mosque of Rasulallah (saww) in Madinatul Munawwara and set our eyes on that beautiful green dome. May we rise within ourselves to become like our Holy Prophet (pbuh) in action and intention – ensuring that we strive to obtain that Makaarimul Akhlaq that he came to teach.

Milaad un Nabi Mabrook!

Raihana Mawjee

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