Wiladat of Bibi Zaynab (a).
Born: in Madina on the 5th of Jamaada al Ula, 5 AH.

Thought provoking and inspiring words about this great lady:
Lady Zaynab (a) – A Visionary . To be a visionary, you should think beyond the here and now and be a forward thinker. The preservation of the Imamate was paramount to the survival of the religion of Islam. Lady Zaynab (a) knew that she had to protect her nephew, Imam Zayn al-Abidin (a) and did so as best she could with God’s Divine protection and help. She remained steadfast, protected him physically when necessary, and publicly spoke out when the truth was distorted and covered. . Lady Zaynab (a) also knew that to safeguard the future of her grandfather’s religion and its followers, people must always remember the sacrifice of Imam Husayn (a), his family, and companions. Women became the flag bearers of the message of Imam Husayn (a). From one majlis (gathering of sorrow) to the next, they have passed the baton of guidance that contained the true message of Islam up until this day. . Lady Zaynab ’s (a) strength, leadership, and vision are a lesson for men and women alike in today’s world. .
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