Dear Beautiful Souls,
Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakātuh
First and foremost, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Allah swt and the Imam of our time Al Imam Al Mahdi ajfs for creating this safe space and a beautiful platform for my global soul sisters to be part of this soul tribe.
Lantern of Light has crossed many hurdles and blessed with beautiful milestones, it’s now soaring towards greater heights.
Alhamdulilah, it’s been a super exciting journey and an ever- evolving resource since it’s beautiful inception in Muharram 2020 (during the global pandemic) bringing global humanity together towards the Light of Allah swt and the pristine teachings of the Ahlulbayt a.s.
In our humble initiatives, we have been able to break the typical stereotypes and facilitated several topical issues through podcasts, live programs, and soul transforming cohort workshops and masterclass programmes with bespoke trainers from our health and mental- health wellbeing to emotional and spiritual well-being with several high quality research from qualified, trustworthy scholars who answer crucial faith and spirituality questions with compassion in 100% free, accessible formats for our global communities that is transforming lives and fostering love and faith.
Alhamdulilah with God’s grace and tawfeeq, we have been able to provide bespoke programmes during Muharram and Shahr Ramadhan catering for all ages and meeting our real needs in the 21st century.
You are most welcome to visit our LL YouTube channel and our social media channels for more bitesize soulful reflections.
Please do visit our one top go to Lantern of Light website
One of our core objectives and vision is also to provide a school with a holistic curriculum especially for a vulnerable population of orphans and also help support women towards self-growth and supporting various causes towards the orphans and widows living in extremely harsh conditions and who are marginalised in war torn countries.
During this most blessed month of Dhulhijjah, why not support our phenomenal causes.
Your great rewards are immeasurable.
Become a *Lantern of Light Sustainer* and *Donate Generously* and be part of our amazing volunteering team.
As I’ve always believed that alone we are nothing, together we are something and can soar higher inshaAllah.
If you would like to donate today,
Charity Bank details:
LANTERN OF LIGHT is a UK-registered charity number 1203567
Sort code: 60-83-01
Account number: 20484923
Please note, as a reference when making your donations, You have several options towards our various global campaigns.
- Bespoke Wellbeing Online Courses
- Jumu’ah Sadaqah
Be in Allah’s care and infinite mercy

Jazakumullah khayrah
With Salams and duas,
Sis Nasim Walji Pirmohamed