Dear Beautiful Souls,
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh,
Are you missing the blessed month of Ramadhan? Are you feeling post Ramadhan blues? I’m sure we are all craving being God’s guests who gave each of us so much love, attention and Who made it possible for us all to witness the holy month with all it spiritual perks, Alhamdulilah!
Our beloved prophet (saww) served with honour and integrity towards the poor and the most vulnerable and deserving. He said:
“Shahr Ramadhan is an honourable and blessed month, and the rewards for generosity are multiplied in it.”
Your amazing support and donations are helping impoverished families with a hot meal during this blessed month of Ramadhan.
Alhamdulilah Rabb Al-Alameen, with your generosity and gracious support, we at Lantern of Light in partnership with Ahlulbayt Relief Committee (ABRC) and Ahlulbayt Sisters Network (ABSN), working on the ground in Kenya, and it was an absolute honour to be part of something so noble in reaching out and be able to have volunteers on ground distributing Ramadhan food packs to 57 families who are living at one of the most neglected areas in the region, the slums of Kibera, in Nairobi Kenya. Thanks to God, ABRC on ground was able to feed more than 700 families in total.
Serving With Passion
Our noble team at ABRC and their dedicated team on the ground served tirelessly to ensure no family goes without a freshly homemade cooked meal for iftar and suhoor.
Your 100% of donations was used towards the most deserving beneficiaries.
A massive thank you to Sisters Naznin Kassam Karim, Sis Zahida Mohamedali and their team who made this noble endeavour possible.
“Three things enable a servant to attain Allah’s pleasure: persistence in seeking forgiveness, Affability towards people, and frequency in giving of charity.” Imam Ali (as)
Lantern of Light in collaboration with ABSN/ ABRC takes this opportunity to thank and appreciate all our well-wishers for their generous contributions.
Please pray for our tawfeeq to continue serving during the period of active waiting for our Awaited Saviour Imam Al Mahdi ajfs.
May the Ahlulbayt a.s be pleased with our humbling journeys and may Allah swt bless you all infinitely. 🌹🙏🙏🙏🙏
Before we leave you in God’s grace and mercy, a question that we wish to pose!
Do you have a passion to serve as a volunteer?
If you would like to volunteer for our soul transformational projects, please do connect with any one of our Admin team. We would be more than happy to connect with you.
Please do like, comment, and share our articles for more spiritual passion to serve.
Lantern of Light’s Soul Sisters Team