Dear Beautiful Souls,
Assalamu Alaykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh,

How exciting that we are soon approaching the month of fasting and God’s invitation to His Allah’s Divine Banquet. Out of all the Islamic months, It is this glorious month that allows us to explore the spiritual stages of Siyaam (fasting) from the fast of our physical bodies, to the fast of our negative chatters, and ultimately fast of reaching our closeness to Allah swt.
An open invitation to all seekers of finding Him. Let us slowly open the channels of our hearts and be ready to receive His Grace.
One of our esteemed scholars of Akhlaq Agha Panahian narrates a very thought-provoking episode…
“One day, I was in a traffic jam, and a flower seller knocked on my car window. I thought he wanted to sell his flowers, so I kindly declined. He knocked again, and again, I declined.
This time, I was not looking at him, and I was trying to show him that I wasn’t interested. He knocked on the window again. Out of frustration, I bluntly declined to buy the flower.”
The flower seller was like, “Agha, I want to gift you one.” Imagine the feeling of embarrassment I must have felt, and I went home with my head down.
Agha Panahian then says, giving a simple analogy..
” I don’t know how to say this.. but even Allah (SWT) is just like this flower seller. We are waiting at a red light (temporary stop of Duniyah), and God knocks on our windows telling us, “Let’s be friends.” We are impatiently waiting, not paying attention.
We get annoyed with Him (burdened by His worship) and reply, “What do You want? Why are You bothering me?”
*And God responds, “Nothing, my dear. I just want to see if We could become friends. You were waiting behind a red light, so I just wanted to gift you a flower (His abundant blessings).”
And this is exactly what Shahr Ramadhan is all about. The Lord of Ibrahim has opened for us His gardens of forgiveness, bliss, prosperity, and success of both the worlds.
The question remains: Are we willing to open the window of our souls and remain PATIENT as God distributes His flowers?
Such a simple analogy packed with so much insight and self-introspection.
Some soulful cravings for reflections as we embark on this spiritual journey
The Holy Prophet (s) says in his sermon to welcome the holy month: O people! A month has approached you filled with blessing, mercy and forgiveness; it is a month which Allah regards as the best of all months. Its days, in the sight of Allah, are the best of days; its nights are the best of nights; its hours are the best of hours. It is a month in which you are invited to be the guests of Allah.
The Sermon of Holy Prophetsaww (Khutba) to welcome the month of Ramadhan).
Our 4th Holy Imam Sajjad (a.s.) says in Du’a no. 44 of the Sahifa:
“Praise belongs to God who showed favour to us through His religion, singled us out for His creed, and directed us onto the roads of His beneficence, in order that through His kindness we might travel upon them to His good pleasure, . . .And praise belongs to God who appointed among those roads His month, the month of Ramadan .”
May you all cherish every moment of this month. Becoming God centred is the fruit for our sincere fasts. May this Ramadhan bring us all serenity in our hearts, warmth of God’s love touching our hearts.

With love and sincerely prayers
Sis Nasim Walji Pirmohamed
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