“Indeed Imam Al-Husayn is the lantern of light and the ark for salvation.” Holy Prophet (pbuh)
Lantern of Light collaborates with ABRC & ABSN to honour Ashra Muharram Majlises Azaa for the most marginalized and underprivileged Shia communities in the remote villages in Nairobi Kenya. There will be programmes in 10 different centres.
Kindly donate generously towards majlis, tabarruk and full niyaz for the day of A’shura.
Let’s transform lives as you and I embark to serve Mowla Husayn a.s.
Consider Sponsoring Majlise Azaa for only £20 (per centre)

Sponsor A’shura Day Full Niyaz with Sabeele Husayn for only £110 (per centre)
Bank Details
Please DONATE generously
Lantern of Light UK charity
Unity Trust Bank Sort code – 60-83-01
Account number – 20484923
If you are a UK taxpayer, please tick the gift aid box.
Ref : Muharram MajliseAzaa
Labbayk Ya Husayn
Thank you all for your kind donations. Bless you all!