One of the messages that can be observed even at a distance when surveying the supplications of Ramadhan is the utter dependency that the servant expresses to their Master, Allah, in all aspects of their life. Both in the supplications that are traceable in chain to the Imam’s themselves, or those from their trusted companions and loyal followers.
Asking God for the smallest of things, one is humbled and finds themselves psychologically placed in their true place in relation to their creator. If this was the only achievement of the supplication, we would marvel at its accomplishment.
The supplications re-enforce many ideas, and act not only as prescriptions and inspiration for goals to be achieved but also reminders and perspective changers.
On numerous occasions, deep thoughts and ideas have been summarised and handed to us in the form of short digestible sentence, that only need us to pause and reflect to properly savour their taste.
Among the passed down supplications that we recite or listen to daily in this month is Dua Al-Iftitah; in which we proclaim, ‘O Allah! You have permitted me to supplicate to You and ask from You’. Even the ability to supplicate God and ask from Him is seen as a grace and favour granted by God, so what really does the servant own in front of God?
This is a stage further than what we recite in the supplication of Kumayl; ‘Forgive he who owns nothing but supplication (the ability to call out to you)’. For in the supplication of Du’a Al-Iftitah, we acknowledge that even this ability to supplicate comes from God, and we own not even that.
May we all enjoy in the company of our Beloved and come to a better understanding of our relationship with God beginning this blessed month and continue to spiritually blossom ❤️
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