The Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) lived more than 1400 years ago but he lived by principles that are highly valued today. Human beings have gone full circle and come back to realize that a lot of what was appreciated and practiced in the past, and which was slowly abandoned after the coming of the Industrial revolution, are what truly make a difference in life. What the Prophet (s) taught and practiced is valuable for it conforms to what is naturally good for both human beings and the world created for them. The following are some principles he taught and lived by.
- Voluntary Simplicity – The Prophet led a simple life. He ate simple food sitting on the floor, wore modest clothes and disliked excess and extravagance. He lived in a small house. He said; O son of Adam, you have what is enough for you and [yet] you seek that which will cause you to rebel. (Nahjul Fasaha, Hadith #24) He preferred to do his tasks himself. He swept the floor, milked the cows, patched his clothes and mended his shoes. Even when Islam spread and many lands and treasures came under Muslim rule, the Prophet (s) did not change his simple lifestyle. Simplicity is the key against the endless consumerism of our times. It creates contentment, allows for sympathy and help for the needy, and makes the human being more in tune with his natural self.
- Healthy Eating – The Prophet was a careful and healthy eater. He warned about excessive eating saying Do not deaden the hearts with excessive food and drink for the hearts die just as the crops die from excessive watering. (Mustdrakal Wasail, Vol. 16, pg 209) His diet was simple but nutritious. The foods he ate often include dates, honey, barley, olive oil, yoghurt ,cucumbers, bread, milk, and sometimes meat. He said; Adorn your tables with greens. (Makarimul Akhlaq, Pg 176) He emphasized good eating habits; not eating unless hungry, eating in the name of God, eating slowly, chewing well, spacing out meals . . . and much more. Healthy eating is the source of physical and mental health and can do much to improve quality of life.
- Environment Protection – The Prophet advocated respect for the earth and warned against using its resources extravagantly. He recommended planting trees and protecting nature. He said; Whoever plants a tree and then a human or a creature of God eats its fruit, it will be considered an act of charity for him (Nahjul Fasaha, Vol.2, pg 563) Nature is a Divine trust and human beings are the trustees. The Prophet (s) advocated the fulfillment of that trust as a religious duty and emphasized the importance of balance and moderation, of cleanliness of the self and surroundings, of abstaining from extravagance and corruption of all types. Following his teachings would help in the struggle against climate change, a serious concern in today’s times.
- Connecting with Nature – The Prophet (s) spent time in the desert and in the mountains away from people. Love for God translated into love for the signs of God and an appreciation for the majestic wonder of God’s creation. He said; Three things delight the eyes, looking at greenery, running water, and a beautiful face. (Biharul Anwar, Vol. 3, pg 129) The Divine grace present in Nature speaks to the human spirit and refreshes it. Spending time in it is an antidote for the stress and anxiety so prevalent in today’s times.
- Time for Family – Despite being a busy leader of the community and the founder of the mission of Islam the Holy Prophet (s) always made time to spend with family. He treated them with love and gentleness. He said; The best of you are those who are best to their families, and I am the best of you to my family. (Nahjul Fasaha, Hadith #1520). He visited his daughter’s home often, played with his grand-children and always expressed his happiness at being with them. Bonds of family love must be cherished and maintained. It gives comfort and peace to the individual, to the family, and in turn to society.
Let us resolve to make his principles a part of our lives. It would be a gift of respectful listening and obeying. A befitting gift on his birthday.
Miladun Nabi Mubarak to all. May this doubly special occasion be very blessed for you and your families.