In commemoration of the Martyrdom Anniversary of the Lady of Light Sayyida Fatimah Zahra (S.A.) the daughter of our beloved prophet Muhammad saww; a team of LZHH selfless volunteers on ground under the auspices of WHO IS FATIMAH campaign worked tirelessly to prepare for the 3 day Medical Camp with the Global Kindness Foundation (GKF) in the Zaynabiyah area near Damascus.
A selfless and dedicated team of Dentists, Opticians including a health care technician and an amazing team of volunteers travelled to Shaam to provide their services to the most marginalised communities. This noble gesture and acts of voluntary works is truly commendable.

Despite the dilapidated state on the ground, we are extremely fortunate and grateful to Allah swt for His downpour of infinite blessings and grace, this medical camp was a breath of fresh air and indeed and a very humbling experience. This was a 1st ever optimal medical treatment providing to the locals next to the Sayyada Zaynab area.
December is bitterly a cold month and it is also quite depressing when families are struggling with the very basics i.e. food, shelter, medical support. With the vicious cycles of long hours of living in darkness with no electricity and the continued bouts of power cuts and lack of basic heating facilities, the GKF medics team worked with a smile. Through their kindness, passion and resilience, they brought smiles radiance of joy to the orphans. The professional team included 5 Dentists, a Medical Nurse, 1 Respiratory Staff, 2 Opticians, and a Physician with a group of selfless volunteers from Canada, UK to name a few treating the most deprived at a local clinic next to the holy shrine of Sayyida Zaynab (PBUH). It is quite daunting working in the bitter cold winters with very minimal clinical amenities on ground.
Let us ponder on these profound words:
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” Pablo Picasso
It is amazing to see such Godly souls leaving their homes and their own comfort zones in service to humanity. This is nothing but glimpses of the beauty of God in play. This hand in glove spirit helped provide complex and full dental treatment to more than 100 patients including the orphans. In parallel, we had organised a temporary Eye clinic at our humble Husayniyah whereby the optics saw nearly 400 children including young adults for their eye check and were provided with relevant eye prescriptions.
This awesome milestone has been a great blessing for us to celebrate and for this Tawfeeq we cannot but thank Allah (swt) for giving us this humble opportunity to share this KINDNESS gesture to the most forgotten people.
The deep connection of the local staff volunteers and helpers with the team from abroad is a true testament of working together in team spirit and it is truly phenomenal!
Small steps to soaring greater heights, WHO IS FATIMAH will inshaAllah partner with other local and international charities to create positive impacts.
We hope and pray to become a global campaign that seeks to provide quality healthcare to the homeless, the displaced refugees and vulnerable population living in impoverished countries and take proactive measures to eradicate some miseries plaguing our beautiful humanity.
As part of our vision is to continue providing and supporting mental health wellbeing and educational projects for Special Needs Education for the orphans.
Knowing Your Worth
As part of our confidence and capacity building for Widows empowerment projects, we have specialised training programmes catered for them. Our aim has al always been in providing them using a holistic and transformational approach towards self-discovery, learning and nurturing.
Women are honourable and we must acknowledge that. They are caregivers and they mould and shape the society. Within our humble scope, we continue to train the widows in various educational programs including soft skills, mentorship programmes and economic upliftment programmes to help remove their financial burdens and become more independent and not remain victims of war and paralysed.
It is through the support of kind hearts and generous donors that Lady Zaynab Helping Hands and Lantern of Light can transform lives and we believe in making small changes to bigger impact.
May Allah swt give the GKF team the best of tawfeeq in providing their services in Zaynabiyah area and across the globe.
Dear beautiful readers, I make a humble plea to you all to take a pause and join me making a whispered prayer for all those who are struggling and swimming through the storms of life. May Allah swt heal the hearts of believers. We pray for the imminent relief of our Awaited Saviour Imam Mahdi ajfs.
Please do enjoy some of the highlights and captivating photos from the Medics Camp.
Enjoy these beautiful storylines.
With Peace and Prayers,
Humbly Sis Nasim Walji Pirmohamed
Founder of LZHH/Lantern of Light
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