Al-Aqila surely the most noble woman of her time,
A guide to the entire ummah – so holy, so sublime.

What an honour to be the daughter of Ameerul mo’mineen and the lady of light,
Bravery and modesty came together in a personality so bright.

Sayyida Zaynab’s dignity and valor are second to none,
In the court of Yazid Imam Husayn’s  battle was won.

The khutba our lady gave is for us a valuable treasure,
In which shone through Ali’s eloquence and Fatima’s composure.

Speaking with a powerful voice but with her head bowed low,
Her veil was snatched as the tyrants tried to put up a show.

Their vile plans were overturned by the Almighty,
When even in distress she saw nothing but beauty.

Beauty and courage
Dignity and bravery

These beautiful paradoxes came together in our Lady Zaynab,
As she valued hijab in the way it was ordained by her Rab.

Freeing her in every possible way,
Hijab is the armor that can save us from a life of moral decay.

By Sukeina Shahnawaz Sumar:
3rd year Occupational Therapy student
Birmingham UK

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