Imagine the world without sound vibrations! Just imagine if you were born with severe hearing loss and you wouldn’t be able to listen to the sounds of the chirping birds or even your own breath for that matter!

During my just concluded visit to Sayyida Zaynab s.a I met many beautiful angels with hearing impairment among physical disabilities.

When I met this young man, I was totally inspired by his kind heart, his charisma, and his calmness. He is an orphan and his father was martyred some time back.

He has touched my heart with his inner beauty Masha Allah. When I saw his extraordinary talents of art works, I really felt that he has so much to offer to the world . I would just observe him from afar, his beautiful akhlaq towards his teachers was commendable despite his hearing loss. I really pray that Allah swt gives us tawfeeq together to raise funds for his surgery costs and after care so that he can fulfil his potentialities.

Let me introduce him…

He is my new friend Abdul-Kareem.

He is the son of a Shaheed and in his family, he has his younger sibling who is also deaf. Both Abdul-Kareem and his baby brother attend sessions regularly at our educational centre.

Abdul -Kareem is a brilliant artist and an orthographic. He manifests so much calmness and positive energies.

Since his last Hearing Test with the audiologist, the medical report says he will not be able to hear anymore even though he has a pair of hearing aids. This beautiful soul needs a hearing implant surgery.

‘Trauma’ is too a small word in comparison to the great challenges people are suffering there. Since the conflict war began, there are thousands of children suffering with many physical, emotional, mental disabilities.

If you would like to support in raising funds for his surgery and after care, please kindly contact me.

Let’s do our small part in making some positive changes in our personal Intidhar of our Awaited Saviour Imam Al Mahdi ajfs a.s.

We are making a humble request to you all to help us fundraise for his Hearing implant surgery and post-surgery care. No amount is too small and every little helps. Please donate in the link provided below:

May Allah swt bless you all infinitely.

Zaynabiyah Storylines

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