Brief shifts in perspective on the holy month
Self-struggle is an important part of the month of Ramadan. To struggle against the self is to counter its lowly tendencies. To identify some qualities in the self that pull one down and are obstacles in becoming a soul in synch with the Divine. Unless that is done, the soul will remain unable to experience the highs of spiritual connection.
One activity to do this month is to sit with the self and look into an inner mirror. If we could look at our soul from outside ourselves, what would we see? The dark spots that others may not be able to see can become visible to us if we probe, deeply and sincerely. Then the cleansing can begin.
What better time than this month to do a deep cleaning of the soul? When the mercy of Allah makes what could be a heavy task into a softer and gentler one.

Reflections from sis Tahera Kassamali
Let us all pray for one another especially those who are struggling with different types of challenges during this month of Ramadan.
Please do share your thoughts and reflections with us.