Bismillah Al-Rahman Al Rahim
Hungry but yet
Not. To. Eat.
What am I trying to prove
But my seriousness to ALLAH
To hunger strike
As if I’m begging for an answer
To my prayer
To show ALLAH that
As much as I want to eat
(and I do)
As easily as I could quench my thirst
(and I could)
I. Am. Stubborn.
I desire His mercy more.
I will choose the sacrifice
To increase the volume of my prayers
To ensure my worship to Allah grows louder
And purer
To demonstrate
Self control
And selflessness
to unlock the treasures of heaven.
Each time I reach
For earthly satisfaction
But pull back my hand
And choose to
Remember ALLAH
My prayers get louder
My fitrah becomes stronger
My chains get looser,
My soul becomes free,
My burden gets lighter
So as I put out that cigarette,
As I put the pasta back into the pot,
As I screw the lid back onto my bottle
Before the droplets reach my lips
I do so, with a bittersweet
Knowing the regret would have been greater
Of missed blessings
Unanswered prayers
Respite for my struggling soul
In exchange
To quieten my rumbling stomach
Or ease my headache,
I celebrate everytime
That I resist the temptation
For I know with it brings,
The pleasure of ALLAH
And His unending mercy
It breaks the chains that shackles me
And shows me the Truth
That I am stronger, braver
and better
than I know and
have been living.