Salamun Alaykum dear beautiful souls,
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Let me share a story with you,
Imagine a successful young soul in our community who is so popular, revered, and has a success story to share with the world outside!
But when she goes home, she is suffocating due to anxiety, plagued and sabotaged by her mind through self-doubts, self-hate, and lack of self-worth. Henceforth, she cannot sleep peacefully.
On the outside, she wears layers of masks, so people know her by her best self. But on the inside, she’s battling with all the negative thoughts, and that leads her to having a calm relationship with God and her family members. This imposter syndrome is draining her energies and eating away her health and spirituality.
Every day, she is thinking of giving up due to her inner battles and is not motivated in life, but then she reminds herself that Islam has forbidden her to take away her own life.
Yet she has nobody to turn to! People may judge her!
Finally, she finds out about Lantern of Light and attempts to send a message to one of our volunteers.
She finds new hope. She calls one of the Lantern of Light volunteers, hears a calming voice on the other side, and feels confident to speak.
She starts slow but gradually speaks and pours her heart out, and for the first time, she feels she’s being heard, not judged! By the time she finishes the call, she feels a whole weight of the world been lifted from her shoulders.
And most importantly… She decides to give life another chance.
This isn’t just a story. This this is the reality of hundreds of Muslims struggling with their faith. identity and mental health.
Just like physical pain that can be seen, mental health issues are invincible and can take away one’s life.

Alhamdulillah moments!
God has made us channels to be the Lantern of Light.
Lantern of Light is a soft voice and a true testament to how we can give a safe space and listen with deep empathy.
That is the reason why LOL is here for you.
Today’s Action of the Day:
Be an empath and do not judge! Each of us has a story to tell. Your story is important!
Be grateful that you have someone to talk to.
Signpost those who are struggling to Lantern of Light
Your donations can resuscitate a scarred life and give a new hope!
On this day, please make a silent prayer for all those battling invisible fights that are unknown to people. They are beautiful souls and need to be cared for.
Your donation can help us with providing services as the 1st point of help and support and transform countless people who have no one else to turn to.
To donate your sadaqah to help run our professional services with our faith and mental health, well-being therapist
Please donate generously
Ref: Healing Souls
Lantern of Light
Unity Trust Bank Sort code – 60-83-01
Account number – 20484923
If you are a UK taxpayer, please tick the gift aid box.
May ALLAH SWT abundantly bless you for your donation and duas coming your way.
Finally, let me conclude with a heartfelt prayer for all those who need God’s healing by reciting a chapter from the holy Qur’an, Sura Al Fatiha (The Opening) – This Surah is phenomenal for self- reflections.
Until next time be in Allah’s Care and infinite Mercy,
With peace and incessant prayers
Sis Nasim Walji Pirmohamed