By a Servant of the Awaited Saviour

“The sacrifice of Imam al Husayn is not limited to one country, or nation, but it is the hereditary state of the brotherhood of all mankind”
-Rabindranath Tagore

Imam al Husayn the son of Imam Ali and the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) took a firm stand against Yazid’s evil rule. Whilst Yazid was feared and hated for his ruthlessness, Imam al Husayn was loved and respected by the public. Yazid realized this and understood that if he could convince Imam Husayn to support him, the people would too.

Imam al Husayn had a choice. Either to support the tyrant and live a comfortable life full of luxury or to refuse and most likely be killed for his decision. What should he do? What would you or I do? Imam al Husayn could not live his life as a supporter of tyranny, and the choice for him was simple. Imam al Husayn profoundly refused! He said “I only desire to spread goodness and noble values and prevent evil”

As we all know it is the month of Muharram. Such a beautiful and unique way for the lovers and followers of Imam al Husayn to start their new year, making new resolutions and mourning for Imam al Husayn, savior of Islam a Godly soul who was butchered and killed more than 1400 years ago and whose legacy will remain alive and will never DIE.

We, the Shia’ of Imam Ali should be so proud that our year starts with mourning, it is the only religion that starts a new year with mourning for Imam al Husayn and his family members.

In the Holy Qur’an, Surah Fajr Verses 27-30. Allah (s.w.t) is referring to Imam al Husayn.

(89:27) O soul that art at rest!

(89:28) Return to your Lord, well-pleased (with him), well-pleasing (Him),

(89:29) So enter among my servants,

(89:30) And enter into my garden.

The above verses talk about how Imam Husayn (a.s) returned to his Lord well-pleased (with him), well-pleasing (Him). Imam Husayn (a.s) went through such a great tragedy of suffering, a suffering that cannot ever be compared to any suffering that anyone in this world has or will ever face. It is a great example for us to reflect and ponder on, what do we do when we face hardships, do we give up hope and turn to other things for pleasure or hold tight onto the rope of Allah (swt)?

Allah (swt) was very pleased and satisfied with Imam Husayn (a.s). Imam Husayn (a.s) and all the other Imams were human beings just like us, if we strive to reach our spiritual goals by taking small steps, Allah (swt) will surely guide us and we will have Jannah in this world and the hereafter. Ameen.

With the world moving at such a fast pace, let us reignite in ourselves what Imam al Husayn stood up for, HOPE, DIGNITY, EQUALITY, JUSTICE, HUMANITY, ISLAM, etc.

How can we become more like Imam Husayn through our intentions and actions?

What steps are we taking to make the month of Muharram more practical in our lives?

Below are a few examples of how we can reform our habits and lifestyle to improve for the better, not only in Muharram but throughout the year.

Let us start by thinking about how our fellow shia communities are suffering globally, they do not know when the next bomb is going to blast, they do not know what their next meal is going to be, and they do not know if their family members will come back home safely, they do not even know when their house is going to be broken down. All of this that is their daily life, so traumatic and devastating, and each time we watch a video, we see all smiles even if they are just given a simple bowl of rice, some bread, and curry. Are we thankful for all that Allah (swt) has bestowed upon us or do we just want to shop, shop, and shop just because everyone is doing it and you feel like you need a certain kind of pair of denim to fit in? Let us learn to be grateful for all that we have. Try asking yourself before you plan a shopping trip, I have 2 pairs of shoes, do I need 1 more or I just have a desire for it because a celebrity has advertised for it? One way you can be grateful is by starting a gratitude journal, it can be as simple as writing down 5 things that you are grateful for each day. (Examples: I woke up feeling healthy today, Enjoyed spending time with my niece, baked some cookies using a new recipe and they turned out amazing, tasbeeh of Bibi Fatemah Zahra (a.s), woke up on time for fajr and my whole day has been going well, etc)

Attending the majlis of Imam Husayn without judging people, I might see a person at the mosque only on Ashura but that does not mean I might attend majlis at the mosque more often than her so I have the liberty to sit and judge her, she is probably taking care of her old parents daily and cannot attend other programs as there is no one to look after her parents. Allowing your brother with 70 excuses is a very important hadith from Imam Ali (a.s) that we often forget. I might see a girl wearing a hijab at the mosque, but when I see her at other places she does not have any hijab on her and I begin to wonder and judge her, her mother probably does the same and she thinks it is ok to do it. Instead of judging, try using a different approach as to why she is doing what she is doing, through good communication, InshAallah you would be able to help such people rather than making such judgments.

Music. Let us ask ourselves, Do I only stop listening to music during Ramadhan and for the 12 days of Muharram? Many say I can not stop listening to music. Have you tried it? If it is that hard to stop listening to music then what about our studies? We do find them hard but still work towards our goals because we know what we will have in the end right? Islam guides us to look at our end-term goals and not focus on instant gratification as the western world displays upon us.

My mum has asked me to help her with something for a couple of hours, will I go and help her or continue scrolling on my phone?

Adhan is coming and my favorite Netflix show is going on, will I leave everything and go and pray or continue watching my show?

My friends are going to a non-muslim’s friends’ party and there is going to be music, will I attend to look cool and popular or not attend and gain Allah’s happiness?

My daughter is turning 1 year old and I want to throw her a cake smash birthday party because it’s the trend right now, am I going to waste a whole cake and so much money on unnecessary things or have a simple party and donate some money to charity?

Let us ask ourselves if Imam Zamana (a.t.f.s) is happy with us, why hasn’t he reappeared yet?

Are we the Shia of Ali? If yes then are we supposed to follow the western trends blindly and make it a lifestyle or are we supposed to seek guidance, reflect and think about what is the Islamic way of doing our actions?

Everything in Islam has to be done in moderation, charity begins at home

Let us take one step towards doing something right and Allah (s.w.t) will take 10 steps and lead us toward success.

SubhanAllah Islam has so much positivity and if we understand how to follow the laws correctly, we are heading to success in this world and the hereafter. Do we want the temporary worldly pleasures or permanent pleasures in Jannah? Islam is a very simple religion and for those of us who were always told that you will go to hell for not praying namaaz or for not doing hijab, it is not true, Allah (SWT) is ever so merciful when you realize and not do it ever again with having true certitude in Allah (s.w.t) and repent with a sincere heart. God willingly Allah will forgive you.


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