Being with the Prophet (s)
It was God’s plan that we live in an era much after the Prophet (s). We could not be with him in his time, but we can be with him in spirit. The Qur’an says;
‘Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; and those with him . . .’ (48:29). The qualities of those with him are true for those who lived in his time and for those who come after him.
The month of Rabi al-awwal is the month to understand more of the Prophet(s)’s teachings and apply his sunnah in our lives. To ponder over his words, his supplications, and his habits. Perhaps some of it will inspire us to reach higher levels of Akhlaq and Adaab, a goal he had for his Ummah. With Tawfiq from the Almighty it is possible to use this month to transform our inner selves.
One of his teachings was the emphasis on the utter poverty of the human being. He talked about poverty, implying both material poverty and the intrinsic poverty and neediness of the human being for Allah. He says;
– Poverty is my pride and I take pride in it.
(Bihar al-Anwar, v.65, p.55)
– O Allah make me live as a poor person, make me die
as a poor person and raise in the company of the poor people.
(Mishkatul Anwar, v.1)
– O Allah, do not ever leave me to myself for the blink
of an eye
(Bihar al-Anwar, v.16, p.217)
May we always remember that whatever we might have, we are still poor human beings that are in constant need of Allah’s grace.
Reflections from Sis Tahera Kassamali
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