In the Name of Allah, The All- Compassionate, The All-Merciful
Dear beautiful souls,
Assalamu Alayum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu, may God’s infinite Peace, Blessings and Mercy be upon you all!
Please accept my heartwarm felicitations on the auspices of Miladu-Sadiqayn. I earnestly pray that you are keeping well. I may not be able to fathom your daily trials and struggles but take heart and rest assured that I am praying for you! Remember God loves you and cares for you. I was thinking about how exciting this gorgeous month; Rabiul Awwal- which in essence means, the first spring. As lovers and followers of the pristine Ahlulbayt a.s. we look forward to the colourful Miladun Nabi celebrations at our own local centres and there is so much of beauty in this collective learning and sharing and the spiritual buzz talking our beloved prophet saw and our 6th holy Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq a.s.
When I was thinking about writing something small on the man that has brought hope, love and transformed millions; there was only one name appearing on my mind and my heart. He is Mohammad Rasullulah saw. He was nothing but a MERCY unto the entire universe as the Holy Qur’an alludes to this timeless phenomenon.
Let me share in this mini soulful series some of my humble thoughts on this topic and let us seek divine help and guidance, pause and ponder inshaAllah.
Addiction is often interpreted with a negative connotation, but what about reflecting on positive addictions that leads one to eternal bliss and success? Join me with some humble yet so captivating and thoughtful vision of human success that will help you, drive you forward and activate your inner voice to fulfilling your fullness.
Having Authentic Intentions
Islam attaches so much importance to one’s intentions more that one’s actions.
If you look more carefully in Du’a Makarimul Akhlaq of Imam Zaynul Abedin a.s. he prescribes to mindful intentions with the following request to His Rabb
O Allah,
bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.
Raise my faith to reach the most perfect faith,
and make my conviction to be the most excellent of convictions.
Make my intentions to be the best of intentions,
and my actions to be the best of actions.
Let us try and pause before we want to make an intention; think about the action you desire to perform and navigate it to pleasing Allah swt as your beautiful intention.
Intentions or Niyyah are the hardest to keep as authentic as possible but we all need to start on the first step. The hardest step in life is usually the first one. It’s that initial effort of maintaining our Niyyah as pure as possible and that additional burst of energy required to break out of rest and into motion that is the most crucial. If you can make the effort to get your intentions than your inner journeys will start taking shape. This will determine your relationship with God and your inner bliss.
When we look into the lives of prophets and holy Imams of Ahlulbayt a.s. they were constantly focusing on their authenticity and their proximity to Allah swt.
Leading An Authentic Lifestyle

We live in a world of multiplicity and more so often we find ourselves constantly distracted. We struggle to remain authentic even to ourselves let alone to others. One of the most powerful tool that will help us to is to ask ourselves, what is my purpose in life? Where am I heading to? We will slowly be able to unravel those deep answers though the answers might make us a little uncomfortable. However; the idea is to develop an honest self-talk with ourselves and live in the moment. The idea is to work on our journeys back to Allah swt and returning to the Unity of God.
As humans, we will struggle in being ‘real’ and authentic meaning to be true to ourselves and taking accountability. Many a times we fall prey to too many different characters depending on the place and circle we are in. The negative self-talk doesn’t really help and hence it’s important that we reflect on our actions from moment to moment. As humans we are bound to flaw and make mistakes but the aim is to remain God conscious. How many a times we find ourselves being so polite, so kind and so beautiful in our Akhlaq and be the best version outside around people, yet we struggle to be kind and loving to our loved ones at home who need our best energies at home. Charity begins from home. We really need to work on being the best versions at home. Let me give you a very simple example, just imagine if there was a 24-hour CCTV at home that recorded all our actions, our conversations, our body language and our personal dispositions? How would we be living? How would we react to sticky situations at home with our loved ones? This is something that we all need to reflect and constantly seek God’s help and journal our day-to-day actions and remain more vigilant.
When we take a deeper glance into the life of the most positively influential personality; the perfect role model for the entire humanity; our beloved prophet Mohammad pbuh, he lived by God-centred principles and values. He was the most affectionate and kind towards his family like he was outside towards people. He did not live a double standard lifestyle. He was popularly known even by the enemies as ‘Al-Sadiq’ and ‘Al-Amin’. His words and his actions were one and alignment towards God’s pleasure. This is how his life becomes a successful story for us even today in the 21st century.
Using Authentic Speech

Living in the world of instant gratification and the hype we give to how we look, what we wear, how we walk, but it is so important on how authentic we are when we speak and how we use our interpersonal and social skills in communicating with people most effectively.
The snowball effect is a metaphorical term that uses the analogy of rolling a snowball. We’ve all seen a snowman be built. It starts with a small, simple ball of snow. From there you roll it around and with each turn, the outside of the snowball clings to the snow on the ground, getting bigger and bigger. With your speech, essentially you start using kind and gentle words, go small and through continuous, positive motion, you’re able to create something bigger.
When you start using beautiful words, keep them small and keep working you can create larger and larger successes for yourself.
Islam is a holistic way of living. It attaches so much importance to how we speak and what we speak. Our first impressions are our lasting impressions on people’s minds and hearts.
The first step to spiritual and moral progress is being mindful of our tongue and finding our purpose in life.
Allah swt says in the Qur’an on a goodly speech using the parable of a goodly tree:
كَلِمَةً طَيِّبَةً كَشَجَرَةٍ طَيِّبَةٍ أَصْلُهَا ثَابِتٌ وَفَرْعُهَا فِي السَّمَاء تُؤْتِي أُكُلَهَا كُلَّ حِينٍ بِإِذْنِ رَبِّهَا
A good word is like a good tree, whose root is firm and whose branches are in the sky, yielding its fruit in every season with the permission of its Lord.
Sura Ibrahim, verse 24-25
The good word in this tree has been described as those words and actions of a human being that stem from faith in Allah. Allah compares it to a tree that is strong, upright, and productive – qualities that befit a believer. The words and actions of a believer are as pleasant as a beautiful tree.
Comparing it to a good tree points to the following:
– The good word has growth and progress. It is not stagnant. That which is done for the sake of Allah always grows.
– Every part of the good word is the best it can be. Its root is firm, branches are high, and fruits are produced in every season. Such is a believer. The Holy Prophet (s) said; A believer is like a palm tree, every part of it is beneficial.
– Having firm roots enables the tree to have high branches, and regular fruits. Without firm roots, this would not be possible. Similarly, whatever is done for Allah must be grounded in firm faith, for it to reach high.
– The branches of the tree are high above the ground, away from the lowliness and pollution of the earth. Similarly, the words and actions of a believer are above the petty levels of worldly inclinations.
This is a beautiful verse to remind yourself to say good words. Recite it before meeting people and create beautiful trees with your words and actions. Motivate yourself to say words that are like trees – strong, lofty, and fruitful. The fruits of your words can remain in the minds and hearts of people for longer than you expected. It is testimony to the power of the tongue, that it can spread a lot of good – or a lot of evil – depending on the roots it springs from.
Until next time in this series, be in Allah’s Grace and Infinite Mercy.
With Salams and Du’as
Sis Nasim Walji Pirmohamed
Some of the references are taken Academy of Learning Islam
JazakAllah khair. What a great reminder of intentional living. ❤️