Dear beautiful souls,
Assalamu Alaykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh!
Let us begin with the verse from the glorious Qur’an that truly inspired us to give birth to Lantern of Light;
الله نور السموات و الارض..
“Allah swt is the Light of the heavens and the earth…”
(Qur’an 24:33)
Alhamdulilah, with the grace and tawfeeq from Allah , Lantern of Light provides safe spaces for Muslims facing unique challenges. Not only that, we provide free & confidential support to young people in need.
Humbling Milestones
It started off as a very humble initiative run by a small group of like-minded souls sisters. And since July 2020, it has grown to be a safe space for hundreds of Muslims.
How did this happen?
First and foremost, tawfeeq from Allah swt and having pure intentions in serving His creation.
Most of all, it is all because of beautiful souls like yourselves supporting us throughout the most challenging times and giving us hope and believed in our mission.
This year has been an extremely difficult time for us as we witness the dire plight of the oppressed around the world. With faith in God, we have been able to pull through the hurdles of hopelessness and constantly seek God’s help and support in feeling hopeful.
Insha’Allah with the coming of 2024, we pray for communal growth, love, hope, global peace and justice. We hope to embark on more soul transforming projects, and we will look forward to sharing with you over the coming days inshaAllah.
As for now, may I humbly request each one of you reading this message that comes from the heart for sincere prayers for each one of our dedicated volunteers who serve with so much passion and love.
Here is a beautiful reflection for our souls to ponder.
Allah is the only One you need to please. —the path to peace
When God gives us more than we think we can handle He is calling us to rely on Him in a deeper way—the hidden mercy of pain
When God heals you, don’t go back to the person that hurt you.
When God frees you, don’t go back to the prisons that enslaved you.
When God awakens you with His light, don’t go back to the darkness that kept you asleep.
When God speaks to you, don’t go back to listening to your ego.
When God welcomes you, don’t go back to the spaces your spirit never belonged in.
When God forgives you, don’t go back to the same sins.
When God says you are priceless, don’t go back to thinking you are not good enough.
A. Helwa
Lastly but not the least,
It is always good to hearing from you. Your positive comments and thoughts fuel our motivation.
May Allah swt help us all and may you be in Allah’s care and in His infinite Mercy.
With peace and prayers,