Lady Zaynab Helping Hands and Lantern of Light wish you all a very joyous day filled with barakah, Rahmah and Maghfirah!
On this most joyous day of Eidul Fitr, take a moment, be present, bask in God’s infinite Mercy and feel His love and the tender care that you have been blessed from God’s infinite treasures to share with the underprivileged and you were able to get Tawfeeq to be an extension in the lives of the vulnerable orphans and widows internally displaced next to the holy shrine of Sayyida Zaynab a.s.
You may have donated something small and perhaps forgotten about it, but in the eyes of Allah swt, it’s recorded eternally and blessed and awaiting your heavenly gifts and multiplying your eternal currency, which is phenomenal and immeasurable.
Your kindness and generous donations have reached the most deprived beneficiaries, and can you even imagine the sheer joy and ray of hope that has filled thousands of lives, and if only I could share with you their heartfelt smiles to each one of you and take you virtually to our beautiful Zaynabiyah family.
It is a tradition that we organise breakfast for the children on this most auspicious day. The beautiful angels enjoyed a lovely Eid breakfast and were also given Eid presents and they have had a blast at our humble play area with their peers.
May we all be blessed to continue to serve for our Awaited Saviour Imam Al Mahdi ajfs and for the pleasure of Allah swt.
May the splendour of God’s bounties continue to sparkle in your hearts of giving selflessly and may Allah swt satiate your hearts with inner peace and may the most Merciful help the orphans and widows living in extremely harsh conditions next to Sayyida Zaynab’s holy shrine.
Alhamdulilah we were also able to provide 100 food parcels with basic essentials for widowed families during the glorious month of Ramadhan. We were also able to host several Iftars for the orphans.
May our humble prayers continue for the oppressed of the world with his imminent faraj.
اللهم عجل لوليك الفرج
اللهم صل على محمد وآل محمد وعجل فرجهم
May the Imam of our time Al Imam Al Mahdi ajfs be pleased with our humble efforts graciously inshaAllah.
Labbayk Ya Zaynab ❤️❤️❤️❤️
With our heartfelt prayers, Lady ZAYNAB Helping Hands & Lantern of Light family
Take a moment and enjoy the gorgeous photos captured and that will melt your hearts. ❤️✨️✨️
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